Thursday, May 17, 2007

George Brett bats right-handed? it looks like the site will be up this weekend, giving me at last the blog freedom I've been looking for all along.

Here's a couple of interesting tidbts about Detroit outfielder Curtis Granderson that fell to the cutting room floor when I was writing the story.

-- Apparently there is censorship of his blog, as the 26-year-old amatuer food critic wrote an entry in his blog about a restaurant he visited in Kansas City that offered up "Blue Balls" as an appetizer dish. Apparently the editors at felt that, despite its presence on a restaurant menu, that blue balls shouldn't be on the menu for the worldwide sports leader. No word on whether Granderson actually sampled the appetizer in question.
-- Granderson is also a big fan of the old RBI Baseball game (Dum dum dum da dum dum, dum dum dum da dum dum, dum dum!) for Nintendo, and used the same set of rules that I used to follow with my buddies in college. If you throw a ball outside of the strike zone and it's called a ball, then the next pitch had to be an A button meatball right down the middle. No velocity and no bottom-dropping-off change up.
"You could change speeds and whatnot with the change up, but you couldn't throw balls outside of the strike zone," said Granderson.
Granderson's favorite player in RBI Baseball: Cecil Fielder, who was actually in the RBI Baseball 2 game for Nintendo.
My favorite player? Definitely Tony Armas and his 43 home runs on the bench for the '86 Red Sox. He has hit a home run every single time I've put him in the lineup to pinch never fails.

For anyone who's wanted every question answered about RBI Baseball, or wanted to play an RBI baseball drinking game, here's a website from a guy that's spent way too much thinking about my favorite baseball video game...

So...that's all for now. The site will be up and going on Saturday or Sunday...I hope.


At May 24, 2007 at 8:54 PM , Blogger The Lefty said...

Use it sucka.


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